Invocation - Neda Moayad, Colleyville Baha'i Community. Consider and take any action(s) necessary relative to items discussed in Executive Session - Resolution R-07-2805. PLAQUES: Ernest Hedgcoth - In recognition of service on the SH26 Advisory Committee. Rob Rutherford - In recognition of service on the Colleyville Center Advisory Committee.
(a) Approval of the minutes of the regular City Council meeting of January 16, 2007. (b) Approval of a Waiver for the Colleyville Girls Softball Association (CGSA) for use of the Colleyville City Park game fields. (c)Approval of a developer agreement to provide a sale and exchange of land. (d) Approval of a Final Plat of the Covington Addition on 23.5 acres, located at 704-800 L. D. Lockett Road, Case P-07-004. (e) Approval of Final Plat for the Lavaca Trail Estates Addition located at 909 and 1009 Lavaca Trail and 908 L.D. Lockett Road, Case P-07-001. (f) Approval of a donation from the Colleyville Rotary Club of a digital camera, video equipment and a laptop computer to the Colleyville Police Department.
Ordinance 0-06-1608 - Approval of an Amendment to Section 3.26D of the Land Development Code regarding the front security gate requirements, Case G-07-001.
Resolution R-07-2807 - Consideration of appointments to the Colleyville Trails and Sidewalks Committee.
Resolution R-07-2808 - Approval of amending Resolution R-06-2719 related to the Senior Center Advisory Committee Bylaws.
Resolution R-07-2809 - Calling a General Election for May 12, 2007, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and Councilmembers to Places 1 and 2, and authorizing the City Manager to execute an Agreement with Tarrant County Elections Administration for the conduct of the General Election.
Resolution R-07-2810 - Acceptance of the annual audit for Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2006.
Tabled Ordinance: Agenda Item 7a
CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE O-07-1602 - Approval of a request by Covenant Christian Academy to amend the zoning and development requirements of the Planned Unit Development for the Colleyville Presbyterian Addition, located at 901 Cheek Sparger Road, Case Z-06-028.
Citizen Comments, Reports, Adjournment
Citizen comments. Reports: Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Minutes - July 10, 2006. Senior Center Advisory Committee Minutes - December 21, 2006. Colleyville Trails and Sidewalks Committee Minutes - January 3, 2007. Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes - January 4, 2007.
Invocation - Neda Moayad, Colleyville Baha'i Community. Consider and take any action(s) necessary relative to items discussed in Executive Session - Resolution R-07-2805. PLAQUES: Ernest Hedgcoth - In recognition of service on the SH26 Advisory Committee. Rob Rutherford - In recognition of service on the Colleyville Center Advisory Committee.
(a) Approval of the minutes of the regular City Council meeting of January 16, 2007. (b) Approval of a Waiver for the Colleyville Girls Softball Association (CGSA) for use of the Colleyville City Park game fields. (c)Approval of a developer agreement to provide a sale and exchange of land. (d) Approval of a Final Plat of the Covington Addition on 23.5 acres, located at 704-800 L. D. Lockett Road, Case P-07-004. (e) Approval of Final Plat for the Lavaca Trail Estates Addition located at 909 and 1009 Lavaca Trail and 908 L.D. Lockett Road, Case P-07-001. (f) Approval of a donation from the Colleyville Rotary Club of a digital camera, video equipment and a laptop computer to the Colleyville Police Department.
Ordinance 0-06-1608 - Approval of an Amendment to Section 3.26D of the Land Development Code regarding the front security gate requirements, Case G-07-001.
Resolution R-07-2807 - Consideration of appointments to the Colleyville Trails and Sidewalks Committee.
Resolution R-07-2808 - Approval of amending Resolution R-06-2719 related to the Senior Center Advisory Committee Bylaws.
Resolution R-07-2809 - Calling a General Election for May 12, 2007, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and Councilmembers to Places 1 and 2, and authorizing the City Manager to execute an Agreement with Tarrant County Elections Administration for the conduct of the General Election.
Resolution R-07-2810 - Acceptance of the annual audit for Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2006.
Tabled Ordinance: Agenda Item 7a
CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE O-07-1602 - Approval of a request by Covenant Christian Academy to amend the zoning and development requirements of the Planned Unit Development for the Colleyville Presbyterian Addition, located at 901 Cheek Sparger Road, Case Z-06-028.
Citizen Comments, Reports, Adjournment
Citizen comments. Reports: Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Minutes - July 10, 2006. Senior Center Advisory Committee Minutes - December 21, 2006. Colleyville Trails and Sidewalks Committee Minutes - January 3, 2007. Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes - January 4, 2007.