Invocation - Pastor Lloyd McCutcheon, Assembly of God. Consider and take any action(s) necessary relative to items discussed in Executive Session - Resolution R-08-2954. Correspondence, reports of meetings attended by the Council and City Officials and announcements, proclamations or presentations. Proclamation: In recognition of Grapevine-Colleyville Independent School District Education Foundation Day - Janice Kane, Executive Director, G-CISD Education Foundation.
(a.) Approval of the minutes of the regular City Council meeting held on March 11, 2008. (b.) Approval of an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Euless for paving improvements on Heritage Avenue, and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement. (c.) Approval to enter into a janitorial services agreement with Member's Building Maintenance LTD, in an amount not to exceed $78,500.00, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the agreement.
Ordinance 0-08-1668 - Approval of an amendment to Ordinance 0-92-880 regarding setting fees and charges for City services and facilities, Case G-08-011.
Ordinance 0-08-1669 - Approval of a request to amend the PUDC-Planned Unit Development Commercial zoning district for the Colleyville Place Assisted Living facility on Tract A-1, Block 2 of the Highland Acres Addition located at 5314 Bransford Road, Case Z-08-009.
Ordinance 0-08-1670 - Approval of a request for a Special Use Permit for an accessory building on Lot 1, Block 1 of the Pleasant Glade Farm Addition located at 3400 Glade Road, Case Z-08-011.
Ordinance 0-08-1671 - Approval to declare unopposed candidates in the May 10, 2008, General Election elected to office and canceling the election.
Resolution R-08-2956 - Consideration of appointments to the Commuter Rail Committee.
Resolution R-08-2957 - Consideration of appointments to the Celebrate Colleyville Steering Committee.
Citizen Comments, Reports, Adjournment
Citizen comments. Reports: Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Minutes - January 8, 2007. Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes - December 11, 2007. Colleyville Trails and Sidewalk Committee Minutes - December 11, 2007. Library Board Minutes - February 11, 2008. Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes - February 25, 2008. Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes - March 10, 2008.
Invocation - Pastor Lloyd McCutcheon, Assembly of God. Consider and take any action(s) necessary relative to items discussed in Executive Session - Resolution R-08-2954. Correspondence, reports of meetings attended by the Council and City Officials and announcements, proclamations or presentations. Proclamation: In recognition of Grapevine-Colleyville Independent School District Education Foundation Day - Janice Kane, Executive Director, G-CISD Education Foundation.
(a.) Approval of the minutes of the regular City Council meeting held on March 11, 2008. (b.) Approval of an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Euless for paving improvements on Heritage Avenue, and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement. (c.) Approval to enter into a janitorial services agreement with Member's Building Maintenance LTD, in an amount not to exceed $78,500.00, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the agreement.
Ordinance 0-08-1668 - Approval of an amendment to Ordinance 0-92-880 regarding setting fees and charges for City services and facilities, Case G-08-011.
Ordinance 0-08-1669 - Approval of a request to amend the PUDC-Planned Unit Development Commercial zoning district for the Colleyville Place Assisted Living facility on Tract A-1, Block 2 of the Highland Acres Addition located at 5314 Bransford Road, Case Z-08-009.
Ordinance 0-08-1670 - Approval of a request for a Special Use Permit for an accessory building on Lot 1, Block 1 of the Pleasant Glade Farm Addition located at 3400 Glade Road, Case Z-08-011.
Ordinance 0-08-1671 - Approval to declare unopposed candidates in the May 10, 2008, General Election elected to office and canceling the election.
Resolution R-08-2956 - Consideration of appointments to the Commuter Rail Committee.
Resolution R-08-2957 - Consideration of appointments to the Celebrate Colleyville Steering Committee.
Citizen Comments, Reports, Adjournment
Citizen comments. Reports: Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Minutes - January 8, 2007. Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes - December 11, 2007. Colleyville Trails and Sidewalk Committee Minutes - December 11, 2007. Library Board Minutes - February 11, 2008. Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes - February 25, 2008. Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes - March 10, 2008.