INVOCATION: Pastor Jay Franks, Compass Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: City Attorney Matthew Boyle 2. EXECUTIVE SESSION: CONSIDER AND TAKE ANY ACTION(S) NECESSARY RELATIVE TO ITEMS DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION - Resolution R-09-3116 3. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND PRESENTATIONS Announcements of civic and charitable events Presentation of calendar events and updates Announcements of awards and recognition In recognition of the Colleyville Police Department receiving the Special Olympics Number One Fund Raising Small Agency Award and the Flame of Hope Award -Mayor David Kelly Presentation of City of Colleyville check to Special Olympics Texas - Katie Wheeler, Development Director for Torch Run, Special Olympics Texas Proclamations - In recognition of Special Olympic Torch Bearers Colleyville Police Department Detectives Kevin Walling and Bob Etheridge -Mayor David Kelly Proclamation - In recognition of Frank Whitmire and declaring July 21, 2009, as Frank Whitmire Day in the City of Colleyville
CONSENT: READING AND PUBLIC HEARING -Resolution R-09-3117 4a Approval of the minutes of the regular City Council meeting of July 7, 2009 4b Approval of bid award for health, dental, life, and long-term disability insurance to Aetna and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement
0-09-1722 Approval of replacing Ordinance 0-07-1629 establishing school safety zones within the City of Colleyville.
0-09-1723 Approval of an Ordinance replacing Ordinance 0-00-1256, amending Chapter 50, Article II, Flood Hazard Regulations, of the Colleyville Code
0-09-1724 Approving a negotiated resolution between the Atmos Cities Steering Committee (ACSC) and Atmos Energy Corporation, Mid-Tex Division (Atmos) regarding the company's rate review mechanism filing in all cities exercising original jurisdiction
R-09-3118 Consideration of an appeal regarding the denial to the sidewalk escrow refund on Lot 1, Block E, of the Cascades at Timarron Addition, located at 1801 Prince Meadow, Case GC09-012
R-09-3119 Consideration of an appeal regarding the denial to the sidewalk escrow refund on Lot 1, Block 1, of the Van Oaks Addition, located at 205 Van Oaks Drive, Case GC09-013
R-09-3120 Consideration of appointments to the Colleyville Economic Development Corporation (CEDC) Board of Directors
8. TABLED ITEMS: READING AND PUBLIC HEARING 8a 0-09-1716 Approval of an Ordinance prohibiting the construction of a rail station or rail stop in the City of Colleyville; providing for lowering the rail bed to prevent traffic congestion at rail crossings 8b R-09-3093 Approval of a Resolution rescinding Resolution R-09-3065 supporting local option taxes and fees to fund transportation including Rail North 9. CITIZEN COMMENTS/PRESENTATIONS REGARDING ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA 10. REPORTS: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Minutes -February 2, 2009 Senior Center Advisory Committee Minutes -April 16, 2009 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Minutes -May 4, 2009 Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes -May 26, 2009 11. ACTION/RESOLUTION: DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION RATIFYING COUNCIL AGENDA ACTION FOR THE MEETING OF JULY 21, 2009 -Reading and Public Hearing -Resolution R-09-3123
INVOCATION: Pastor Jay Franks, Compass Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: City Attorney Matthew Boyle 2. EXECUTIVE SESSION: CONSIDER AND TAKE ANY ACTION(S) NECESSARY RELATIVE TO ITEMS DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION - Resolution R-09-3116 3. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND PRESENTATIONS Announcements of civic and charitable events Presentation of calendar events and updates Announcements of awards and recognition In recognition of the Colleyville Police Department receiving the Special Olympics Number One Fund Raising Small Agency Award and the Flame of Hope Award -Mayor David Kelly Presentation of City of Colleyville check to Special Olympics Texas - Katie Wheeler, Development Director for Torch Run, Special Olympics Texas Proclamations - In recognition of Special Olympic Torch Bearers Colleyville Police Department Detectives Kevin Walling and Bob Etheridge -Mayor David Kelly Proclamation - In recognition of Frank Whitmire and declaring July 21, 2009, as Frank Whitmire Day in the City of Colleyville
CONSENT: READING AND PUBLIC HEARING -Resolution R-09-3117 4a Approval of the minutes of the regular City Council meeting of July 7, 2009 4b Approval of bid award for health, dental, life, and long-term disability insurance to Aetna and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement
0-09-1722 Approval of replacing Ordinance 0-07-1629 establishing school safety zones within the City of Colleyville.
0-09-1723 Approval of an Ordinance replacing Ordinance 0-00-1256, amending Chapter 50, Article II, Flood Hazard Regulations, of the Colleyville Code
0-09-1724 Approving a negotiated resolution between the Atmos Cities Steering Committee (ACSC) and Atmos Energy Corporation, Mid-Tex Division (Atmos) regarding the company's rate review mechanism filing in all cities exercising original jurisdiction
R-09-3118 Consideration of an appeal regarding the denial to the sidewalk escrow refund on Lot 1, Block E, of the Cascades at Timarron Addition, located at 1801 Prince Meadow, Case GC09-012
R-09-3119 Consideration of an appeal regarding the denial to the sidewalk escrow refund on Lot 1, Block 1, of the Van Oaks Addition, located at 205 Van Oaks Drive, Case GC09-013
R-09-3120 Consideration of appointments to the Colleyville Economic Development Corporation (CEDC) Board of Directors
8. TABLED ITEMS: READING AND PUBLIC HEARING 8a 0-09-1716 Approval of an Ordinance prohibiting the construction of a rail station or rail stop in the City of Colleyville; providing for lowering the rail bed to prevent traffic congestion at rail crossings 8b R-09-3093 Approval of a Resolution rescinding Resolution R-09-3065 supporting local option taxes and fees to fund transportation including Rail North 9. CITIZEN COMMENTS/PRESENTATIONS REGARDING ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA 10. REPORTS: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Minutes -February 2, 2009 Senior Center Advisory Committee Minutes -April 16, 2009 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Minutes -May 4, 2009 Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes -May 26, 2009 11. ACTION/RESOLUTION: DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION RATIFYING COUNCIL AGENDA ACTION FOR THE MEETING OF JULY 21, 2009 -Reading and Public Hearing -Resolution R-09-3123