Update on the Colleyville Public Library Spatial Reorganization Plan - Estimate of Additional Operational Costs for Second Floor Development
INVOCATION: Neda Moayad, Colleyville Baha'i Community PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: City Attorney Matthew Boyle
4a Approval of the minutes of the regular City Council meeting of July 21, 2009 4b Approval of the minutes of the Joint City Council and Colleyville Library Board meeting of July 9, 2009 4c Approval of a contract with Pattillo, Brown and Hill, L.L.P., for audit services for fiscal year ended September 30, 2009 4d Approval and adoption of the 2009 certified tax roll 4e Approval of the annual review of the City's Investment Policy 4f Approval of Broker/Dealer firms for investment purchases 4g Approval of a donation of granite memorial markers from Michael E. Patterson
Ordinance 0-09-1723 Approval of an Ordinance replacing Ordinance 0-00-1256, amending Chapter 50, Article II, Flood Hazard Regulations, of the Colleyville Code
Ordinance 0-09-1724 Approving a negotiated resolution between the Atmos Cities Steering Committee (ACSC) and Atmos Energy Corporation, Mid-Tex Division (Atmos) regarding the company's rate review mechanism filing in all cities exercising original jurisdiction
Ordinance 0-09-1725 Approval of a request for a zoning change from PUDC-Planned Unit Development Commercial and R40-Single Family Residential to PUDC-Planned Unit Development Commercial on Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 3, Southgate Addition and Lots 1 and 2, Colleyville Presbyterian Church Addition located at 715, 901 and 909 Cheek Sparger Road and 3805, 3809 and 3815 Wayne Drive, Case ZC09-004
Resolution R-09-3118 Consideration of an appeal regarding the denial to the sidewalk escrow refund on Lot 1, Block E, of the Cascades at Timarron Addition, located at 1801 Prince Meadow, Case GC09-012
8. TABLED ITEMS: READING AND PUBLIC HEARING 8a 0-09-1716 Approval of an Ordinance prohibiting the construction of a rail station or rail stop in the City of Colleyville; providing for lowering the rail bed to prevent traffic congestion at rail crossings 8b R-09-3093 Approval of a Resolution rescinding Resolution R-09-3065 supporting local option taxes and fees to fund transportation including Rail North Texas 9. CITIZEN COMMENTS/PRESENTATIONS REGARDING ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA 10. ACTION/RESOLUTION: DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION RATIFYING COUNCIL AGENDA ACTION FOR THE MEETING OF AUGUST 4, 2009 - Reading and Public Hearing -Resolution R-09-3126 11. ADJOURNMENT:
Update on the Colleyville Public Library Spatial Reorganization Plan - Estimate of Additional Operational Costs for Second Floor Development
INVOCATION: Neda Moayad, Colleyville Baha'i Community PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: City Attorney Matthew Boyle
4a Approval of the minutes of the regular City Council meeting of July 21, 2009 4b Approval of the minutes of the Joint City Council and Colleyville Library Board meeting of July 9, 2009 4c Approval of a contract with Pattillo, Brown and Hill, L.L.P., for audit services for fiscal year ended September 30, 2009 4d Approval and adoption of the 2009 certified tax roll 4e Approval of the annual review of the City's Investment Policy 4f Approval of Broker/Dealer firms for investment purchases 4g Approval of a donation of granite memorial markers from Michael E. Patterson
Ordinance 0-09-1723 Approval of an Ordinance replacing Ordinance 0-00-1256, amending Chapter 50, Article II, Flood Hazard Regulations, of the Colleyville Code
Ordinance 0-09-1724 Approving a negotiated resolution between the Atmos Cities Steering Committee (ACSC) and Atmos Energy Corporation, Mid-Tex Division (Atmos) regarding the company's rate review mechanism filing in all cities exercising original jurisdiction
Ordinance 0-09-1725 Approval of a request for a zoning change from PUDC-Planned Unit Development Commercial and R40-Single Family Residential to PUDC-Planned Unit Development Commercial on Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 3, Southgate Addition and Lots 1 and 2, Colleyville Presbyterian Church Addition located at 715, 901 and 909 Cheek Sparger Road and 3805, 3809 and 3815 Wayne Drive, Case ZC09-004
Resolution R-09-3118 Consideration of an appeal regarding the denial to the sidewalk escrow refund on Lot 1, Block E, of the Cascades at Timarron Addition, located at 1801 Prince Meadow, Case GC09-012
8. TABLED ITEMS: READING AND PUBLIC HEARING 8a 0-09-1716 Approval of an Ordinance prohibiting the construction of a rail station or rail stop in the City of Colleyville; providing for lowering the rail bed to prevent traffic congestion at rail crossings 8b R-09-3093 Approval of a Resolution rescinding Resolution R-09-3065 supporting local option taxes and fees to fund transportation including Rail North Texas 9. CITIZEN COMMENTS/PRESENTATIONS REGARDING ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA 10. ACTION/RESOLUTION: DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION RATIFYING COUNCIL AGENDA ACTION FOR THE MEETING OF AUGUST 4, 2009 - Reading and Public Hearing -Resolution R-09-3126 11. ADJOURNMENT: