Update of combined Municipal Court operations for the cities of Colleyville and Keller
Presentation of the preliminary results of the 2012 Citizen Survey
Presentation of the mid-year Fiscal Year 2012 budget update
Discussion of changing the dates of the regular City Council meetings in October and November 2012
Discussion of the April 17, 2012, City Council regular agenda items
INVOCATION: Pastor David Jung, Crown of Life Lutheran Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: City Attorney Cathy Cunningham
2. EXECUTIVE SESSION: CONSIDER AND TAKE ANY ACTION(S) NECESSARY RELATIVE TO ITEMS DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION - Resolution R-12-3486 3. ANNOUNCEMENTS, PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS Announcements of civic and charitable events Presentation of calendar events and updates Announcements of awards and recognition In recognition of Robert E. Casey, Jr., Special Agent in Charge, Dallas Field Office, Federal Bureau of Investigation In recognition of the featured Colleyville business - Tokyo Samurai - 5645 Colleyville Boulevard, Suite 100- Aaron Nguyen, Owner's Representative In recognition of Fire Department personnel responsible for delivering a baby on March 27, 2012 - Mayor David Kelly and Fire Chief Russell Shelley
CONSENT: READING AND PUBLIC HEARING - Resolution R-12-3487 4a. Approval of a bid award for the Fiscal Year 2012 (FY 2012) annual purchase of water meters to Texas Water Products, Inc., in the amount of $80,105.25, and authorize the city manager to execute the contract
ORDINANCE(S): SECOND READING AND PUBLIC HEARING 5a. Ordinance 0-12-1831 Approval of a request for rezoning from CC3-Highway Commercial to CC2-Shopping Center on Lot 3R, Block 1, of the Andy Felps Addition, located at 3919 Colleyville Boulevard, Case ZC12-009
Ordinance 0-12-1832 Approval of a request to rezone from R40-Single Family Residential and AG-Agricultural to PUD-C-Planned Unit Development Commercial on 7.99 acres located on Lots 3 and 4, Block 1 and Lots 1-6, Block 2, of the Southgate Addition, and 11.8 acres in the Allen Christian Survey and in the L.L. McLain Survey located between 3916 Wayne Drive and 3707 Bedford Court, Case ZC12-007
Ordinance 0-12-1832 Approval of a request to rezone from R40-Single Family Residential and AG-Agricultural to PUD-C-Planned Unit Development Commercial on 7.99 acres located on Lots 3 and 4, Block 1 and Lots 1-6, Block 2, of the Southgate Addition, and 11.8 acres in the Allen Christian Survey and in the L.L. McLain Survey located between 3916 Wayne Drive and 3707 Bedford Court, Case ZC12-007
Ordinance 0-12-1832 Approval of a request to rezone from R40-Single Family Residential and AG-Agricultural to PUD-C-Planned Unit Development Commercial on 7.99 acres located on Lots 3 and 4, Block 1 and Lots 1-6, Block 2, of the Southgate Addition, and 11.8 acres in the Allen Christian Survey and in the L.L. McLain Survey located between 3916 Wayne Drive and 3707 Bedford Court, Case ZC12-007
Ordinance 0-12-1832 Approval of a request to rezone from R40-Single Family Residential and AG-Agricultural to PUD-C-Planned Unit Development Commercial on 7.99 acres located on Lots 3 and 4, Block 1 and Lots 1-6, Block 2, of the Southgate Addition, and 11.8 acres in the Allen Christian Survey and in the L.L. McLain Survey located between 3916 Wayne Drive and 3707 Bedford Court, Case ZC12-007
Ordinance 0-12-1833 Approval of amendments to the Future Land Use Map of the Colleyville Master Plan for 7.99 acres located on Lots 3 and 4, Block 1 and Lots 1-6, Block 2, of the Southgate Addition and 11.8 acres in the Allen Christian Survey and in the L.L. McLain Survey located between 3916 Wayne Drive and 3707 Bedford Court, from a Single Family Land Use Designation to an Institutional Land Use Designation
Resolution R-12-3488 Appointing the Mayor and two City Councilmembers to serve on the Municipal Judge Review and Selection Committee, in accordance with Exhibit "A" of the interlocal agreement, for combined Municipal Court services for the cities of Colleyville and Keller
Resolution R-12-3489 Approval of a contract with Motorola Solutions to replace the NETCO Motorola Analog 800 MHZ Trunked Radio System with a Motorola Digital 700/800 MHZ Trunked Radio System, including an agreement for the capital lease purchase of the equipment, in an amount not to exceed $994,534, and authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement
8. CITIZEN COMMENTS/PRESENTATIONS REGARDING ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA 9. REPORTS Library Board Minutes - January 9, 2012 Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes - March 12, 2012 Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes - March 26, 2012 10. ACTION/RESOLUTION: DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION RATIFYING COUNCIL AGENDA ACTION FOR April 17, 2012 -Reading and Public Hearing - Resolution R-12-3490 11. ADJOURNMENT
Update of combined Municipal Court operations for the cities of Colleyville and Keller
Presentation of the preliminary results of the 2012 Citizen Survey
Presentation of the mid-year Fiscal Year 2012 budget update
Discussion of changing the dates of the regular City Council meetings in October and November 2012
Discussion of the April 17, 2012, City Council regular agenda items
INVOCATION: Pastor David Jung, Crown of Life Lutheran Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: City Attorney Cathy Cunningham
2. EXECUTIVE SESSION: CONSIDER AND TAKE ANY ACTION(S) NECESSARY RELATIVE TO ITEMS DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION - Resolution R-12-3486 3. ANNOUNCEMENTS, PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS Announcements of civic and charitable events Presentation of calendar events and updates Announcements of awards and recognition In recognition of Robert E. Casey, Jr., Special Agent in Charge, Dallas Field Office, Federal Bureau of Investigation In recognition of the featured Colleyville business - Tokyo Samurai - 5645 Colleyville Boulevard, Suite 100- Aaron Nguyen, Owner's Representative In recognition of Fire Department personnel responsible for delivering a baby on March 27, 2012 - Mayor David Kelly and Fire Chief Russell Shelley
CONSENT: READING AND PUBLIC HEARING - Resolution R-12-3487 4a. Approval of a bid award for the Fiscal Year 2012 (FY 2012) annual purchase of water meters to Texas Water Products, Inc., in the amount of $80,105.25, and authorize the city manager to execute the contract
ORDINANCE(S): SECOND READING AND PUBLIC HEARING 5a. Ordinance 0-12-1831 Approval of a request for rezoning from CC3-Highway Commercial to CC2-Shopping Center on Lot 3R, Block 1, of the Andy Felps Addition, located at 3919 Colleyville Boulevard, Case ZC12-009
Ordinance 0-12-1832 Approval of a request to rezone from R40-Single Family Residential and AG-Agricultural to PUD-C-Planned Unit Development Commercial on 7.99 acres located on Lots 3 and 4, Block 1 and Lots 1-6, Block 2, of the Southgate Addition, and 11.8 acres in the Allen Christian Survey and in the L.L. McLain Survey located between 3916 Wayne Drive and 3707 Bedford Court, Case ZC12-007
Ordinance 0-12-1832 Approval of a request to rezone from R40-Single Family Residential and AG-Agricultural to PUD-C-Planned Unit Development Commercial on 7.99 acres located on Lots 3 and 4, Block 1 and Lots 1-6, Block 2, of the Southgate Addition, and 11.8 acres in the Allen Christian Survey and in the L.L. McLain Survey located between 3916 Wayne Drive and 3707 Bedford Court, Case ZC12-007
Ordinance 0-12-1832 Approval of a request to rezone from R40-Single Family Residential and AG-Agricultural to PUD-C-Planned Unit Development Commercial on 7.99 acres located on Lots 3 and 4, Block 1 and Lots 1-6, Block 2, of the Southgate Addition, and 11.8 acres in the Allen Christian Survey and in the L.L. McLain Survey located between 3916 Wayne Drive and 3707 Bedford Court, Case ZC12-007
Ordinance 0-12-1832 Approval of a request to rezone from R40-Single Family Residential and AG-Agricultural to PUD-C-Planned Unit Development Commercial on 7.99 acres located on Lots 3 and 4, Block 1 and Lots 1-6, Block 2, of the Southgate Addition, and 11.8 acres in the Allen Christian Survey and in the L.L. McLain Survey located between 3916 Wayne Drive and 3707 Bedford Court, Case ZC12-007
Ordinance 0-12-1833 Approval of amendments to the Future Land Use Map of the Colleyville Master Plan for 7.99 acres located on Lots 3 and 4, Block 1 and Lots 1-6, Block 2, of the Southgate Addition and 11.8 acres in the Allen Christian Survey and in the L.L. McLain Survey located between 3916 Wayne Drive and 3707 Bedford Court, from a Single Family Land Use Designation to an Institutional Land Use Designation
Resolution R-12-3488 Appointing the Mayor and two City Councilmembers to serve on the Municipal Judge Review and Selection Committee, in accordance with Exhibit "A" of the interlocal agreement, for combined Municipal Court services for the cities of Colleyville and Keller
Resolution R-12-3489 Approval of a contract with Motorola Solutions to replace the NETCO Motorola Analog 800 MHZ Trunked Radio System with a Motorola Digital 700/800 MHZ Trunked Radio System, including an agreement for the capital lease purchase of the equipment, in an amount not to exceed $994,534, and authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement
8. CITIZEN COMMENTS/PRESENTATIONS REGARDING ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA 9. REPORTS Library Board Minutes - January 9, 2012 Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes - March 12, 2012 Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes - March 26, 2012 10. ACTION/RESOLUTION: DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION RATIFYING COUNCIL AGENDA ACTION FOR April 17, 2012 -Reading and Public Hearing - Resolution R-12-3490 11. ADJOURNMENT