Discussion of a resolution to rescind Resolution R-09-3065 supporting local option taxes and fees to fund transportation, and discussion of a resolution restricting construction and funding of a rail station in Colleyville
Discussion of rescheduling a joint worksession of the City Council and the Colleyville Center Advisory Committee, and the scheduling of a worksession regarding infrastructure
PC-4 Presentation of the Quarterly Performance Management Report PC-5 Presentation of the Quarterly Investment Report for quarter ending June 30, 2014
Discussion of the City Hall landscape improvements
PC-2 Presentation and discussion of fees and charges PC-7 Discussion of the August 19, 2014, City Council regular agenda items
EXECUTIVE SESSION - In accordance with Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, Subchapter D Section 551.071 - Legal - Consultation with attorney on legal issues raised by public hearing or action items on the agenda Section 551.071 - Legal - Consultation with attorney regarding litigation - Billy McCullough v. City of Colleyville Section 551.072 - Real Estate - Deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property for City facilities, including the Riverwalk Drive and Glade Road intersection Section 551.074 – Personnel - Deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, and duties of the Municipal Court Judge Section 551.087 – Economic Development - Discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the City has received from business prospects that the City seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in the City and with which the City is conducting economic development negotiations; deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect
INVOCATION: Pastor Luke Davidson, Compass Christian Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: City Attorney Matthew Boyle
ANNOUNCEMENTS, PROCLAMATIONS, AND PRESENTATIONS Announcements of civic and charitable events Presentation of calendar events and updates Announcements of awards and recognition In recognition of Colleyville's featured business - Trio New American Café, Chef Jason Harper, 8300 Precinct Line Road, Suite 104 - Mayor David Kelly and Economic Development Director Marty Wieder
CONSENT: READING AND PUBLIC HEARING - Resolution R-14-3773 4a Approval of the minutes of the regular City Council meeting of July 15, 2014 4b Approval of the minutes of the City Council Worksession of August 6, 2014 4c Approval of the First Amendment to City Secretary Contract No. 44907 between the City of Colleyville and the City of Fort Worth to extend participation in Fort Worth's Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program through Fiscal Year 2015, and authorize the city manager to execute the agreement 4d Approval of the annual review of the City of Colleyville Investment Policy 4e Approval of a final plat for Phase Three of the Creekside at Colleyville Addition, located at 2800 Heritage Avenue, PC14-010 4f Approval of authorized broker / dealers for investment purchases 4g Approval of a construction contract with JLB Contracting, LLC, for the Pleasant Run Road Improvements to Paving, Trails, Drainage, and Utilities Project, in an amount not to exceed $2,011,649.03, and authorize the city manager to execute the contract 4h Approval of a construction contract with JLB Contracting, LLC, for the Paving, Water, and Drainage Improvements on Kingston Drive, McCain Lane, and Ponderosa Lane, in an amount not to exceed $2,168,130.96, and authorize the city manager to execute the contract 4i Approval of the use of Park Land Dedication Fund monies for the L.D. Lockett Park/Cotton Belt Trailhead Enhancement Project 4j Approval of a contract with Castro Roofing of Texas, L.P., to clean and seal the exterior stone on City Hall and the Library, in an amount not to exceed $314,769.99, and authorize the city manager to execute the contract
ORDINANCE(S) CONTINUED: READING AND PUBLIC HEARING 5a Ordinance O-14-1920 Consideration of a request for an amendment to the Special Use Permit provisions authorizing alcoholic beverage sales for off-premises consumption on Lot 7A, Block 2, Village Park Addition, located at 4801 Colleyville Boulevard and authorizing alcoholic beverage sales for on-premises consumption on Lots 1R1, 4, 5A, 6A, 7A, and 9R, Block 2, Village Park Addition, located at 4701, 4709, 4717, 4725, 4801, and 4843 Colleyville Boulevard, Case ZC14-014
Ordinance O-14-1921 Consideration of an amendment to the PUDC-Planned Unit Development Commercial zoning requirements by repealing Ordinance O-94-950 and adding new requirements on Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, of the Pecan Gardens Addition, located at 6220 and 6226 Colleyville Boulevard, Case ZC14-008
Ordinance O-14-1922 Consideration of a zoning change from the CN – Neighborhood Commercial zoning district to the PUDC-Planned Unit Development Commercial zoning district and consideration of a Special Use Permit for on-premise consumption of alcoholic beverages on 2.5 acres of Lots 10R and 11R, Block 1, of the Andy Felps Addition, located at 125 Acuff Lane, Cases ZC14-010 and ZC14-011
Ordinance O-14-1923 Approval to amend the City of Colleyville Code of Ordinances, Chapter 14-Animals, repealing in its entirety, Ordinance O-10-1787; amending Chapter 102-Vehicles For Hire, by adding Sec. 102-31 – Commercial Horse Drawn Carriages
Ordinance O-14-1924 Consideration of a zoning change from the R-40-Single Family Residential zoning district to the R-20-Single Family Residential zoning district on 13.09 acres of Tract A and Tract B, of the McEwing Subdivision, and a portion of Lot A, of the Giacomini Addition, located at 711, 715, and 805 Lavaca Trail, Case ZC14-012
Ordinance O-14-1925 Consideration of a zoning change from the AG-Agricultural zoning district to the R-30-Single Family Residential zoning district on 1.05 acres of Lot 9, of the Mrs. Eva Paul's Subdivision, located at 1109 Tinker Road, Case ZC14-013
Ordinance O-14-1926 Request for approval of an amendment to the Future Land Use Map of the Colleyville Master Plan for Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, of the Sunrise Terrace Addition located at 1105 Glade Road, from a Single Family Residential to an Office Land Use Designation, Case GC14-014
7d Ordinance O-14-1927 Consideration of a zoning change from the R-20-Single Family Residential zoning district to the PUD-C-Planned Unit Development Commercial zoning district on 1.36 acres of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, of the Sunrise Terrace Addition, located at 1105 Glade Road, Case ZC14-009 11. ADJOURNMENT
Discussion of a resolution to rescind Resolution R-09-3065 supporting local option taxes and fees to fund transportation, and discussion of a resolution restricting construction and funding of a rail station in Colleyville
Discussion of rescheduling a joint worksession of the City Council and the Colleyville Center Advisory Committee, and the scheduling of a worksession regarding infrastructure
PC-4 Presentation of the Quarterly Performance Management Report PC-5 Presentation of the Quarterly Investment Report for quarter ending June 30, 2014
Discussion of the City Hall landscape improvements
PC-2 Presentation and discussion of fees and charges PC-7 Discussion of the August 19, 2014, City Council regular agenda items
EXECUTIVE SESSION - In accordance with Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, Subchapter D Section 551.071 - Legal - Consultation with attorney on legal issues raised by public hearing or action items on the agenda Section 551.071 - Legal - Consultation with attorney regarding litigation - Billy McCullough v. City of Colleyville Section 551.072 - Real Estate - Deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property for City facilities, including the Riverwalk Drive and Glade Road intersection Section 551.074 – Personnel - Deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, and duties of the Municipal Court Judge Section 551.087 – Economic Development - Discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the City has received from business prospects that the City seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in the City and with which the City is conducting economic development negotiations; deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect
INVOCATION: Pastor Luke Davidson, Compass Christian Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: City Attorney Matthew Boyle
ANNOUNCEMENTS, PROCLAMATIONS, AND PRESENTATIONS Announcements of civic and charitable events Presentation of calendar events and updates Announcements of awards and recognition In recognition of Colleyville's featured business - Trio New American Café, Chef Jason Harper, 8300 Precinct Line Road, Suite 104 - Mayor David Kelly and Economic Development Director Marty Wieder
CONSENT: READING AND PUBLIC HEARING - Resolution R-14-3773 4a Approval of the minutes of the regular City Council meeting of July 15, 2014 4b Approval of the minutes of the City Council Worksession of August 6, 2014 4c Approval of the First Amendment to City Secretary Contract No. 44907 between the City of Colleyville and the City of Fort Worth to extend participation in Fort Worth's Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program through Fiscal Year 2015, and authorize the city manager to execute the agreement 4d Approval of the annual review of the City of Colleyville Investment Policy 4e Approval of a final plat for Phase Three of the Creekside at Colleyville Addition, located at 2800 Heritage Avenue, PC14-010 4f Approval of authorized broker / dealers for investment purchases 4g Approval of a construction contract with JLB Contracting, LLC, for the Pleasant Run Road Improvements to Paving, Trails, Drainage, and Utilities Project, in an amount not to exceed $2,011,649.03, and authorize the city manager to execute the contract 4h Approval of a construction contract with JLB Contracting, LLC, for the Paving, Water, and Drainage Improvements on Kingston Drive, McCain Lane, and Ponderosa Lane, in an amount not to exceed $2,168,130.96, and authorize the city manager to execute the contract 4i Approval of the use of Park Land Dedication Fund monies for the L.D. Lockett Park/Cotton Belt Trailhead Enhancement Project 4j Approval of a contract with Castro Roofing of Texas, L.P., to clean and seal the exterior stone on City Hall and the Library, in an amount not to exceed $314,769.99, and authorize the city manager to execute the contract
ORDINANCE(S) CONTINUED: READING AND PUBLIC HEARING 5a Ordinance O-14-1920 Consideration of a request for an amendment to the Special Use Permit provisions authorizing alcoholic beverage sales for off-premises consumption on Lot 7A, Block 2, Village Park Addition, located at 4801 Colleyville Boulevard and authorizing alcoholic beverage sales for on-premises consumption on Lots 1R1, 4, 5A, 6A, 7A, and 9R, Block 2, Village Park Addition, located at 4701, 4709, 4717, 4725, 4801, and 4843 Colleyville Boulevard, Case ZC14-014
Ordinance O-14-1921 Consideration of an amendment to the PUDC-Planned Unit Development Commercial zoning requirements by repealing Ordinance O-94-950 and adding new requirements on Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, of the Pecan Gardens Addition, located at 6220 and 6226 Colleyville Boulevard, Case ZC14-008
Ordinance O-14-1922 Consideration of a zoning change from the CN – Neighborhood Commercial zoning district to the PUDC-Planned Unit Development Commercial zoning district and consideration of a Special Use Permit for on-premise consumption of alcoholic beverages on 2.5 acres of Lots 10R and 11R, Block 1, of the Andy Felps Addition, located at 125 Acuff Lane, Cases ZC14-010 and ZC14-011
Ordinance O-14-1923 Approval to amend the City of Colleyville Code of Ordinances, Chapter 14-Animals, repealing in its entirety, Ordinance O-10-1787; amending Chapter 102-Vehicles For Hire, by adding Sec. 102-31 – Commercial Horse Drawn Carriages
Ordinance O-14-1924 Consideration of a zoning change from the R-40-Single Family Residential zoning district to the R-20-Single Family Residential zoning district on 13.09 acres of Tract A and Tract B, of the McEwing Subdivision, and a portion of Lot A, of the Giacomini Addition, located at 711, 715, and 805 Lavaca Trail, Case ZC14-012
Ordinance O-14-1925 Consideration of a zoning change from the AG-Agricultural zoning district to the R-30-Single Family Residential zoning district on 1.05 acres of Lot 9, of the Mrs. Eva Paul's Subdivision, located at 1109 Tinker Road, Case ZC14-013
Ordinance O-14-1926 Request for approval of an amendment to the Future Land Use Map of the Colleyville Master Plan for Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, of the Sunrise Terrace Addition located at 1105 Glade Road, from a Single Family Residential to an Office Land Use Designation, Case GC14-014
7d Ordinance O-14-1927 Consideration of a zoning change from the R-20-Single Family Residential zoning district to the PUD-C-Planned Unit Development Commercial zoning district on 1.36 acres of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, of the Sunrise Terrace Addition, located at 1105 Glade Road, Case ZC14-009 11. ADJOURNMENT